
Thursday, October 14, 2010

29ish days left!

So its been a day! Came home from work and fell asleep on the couch. Litterally could not get up for the life of me to make dinner for the kids! This has been the most tired I have been in my whole pregnancy. I eventually got up after an hour nap! I had to put all the food away, cause earlier we were getting a temp fridge cause the current one needs maintenance and Joshua had to remove all the food from the old one, then he goes to class tonight and I have to put all the food back. Which I don't mind too much cause I already know it was hard enough work for him to take it all out and put in coolers till the other fridge got here.
poor guy :(
I had to beg for strength to put it all away and figure out what to make for dinner. I love to make dinner...
but today was not that day :(
So I asked my son Noel "Would you like waffles for dinner?"
YAAAAAAAAAAAA--was his remark of course!
so ya, I made waffles for dinner! how about that.
This is not a regular thing, so you could imagine the kids excitement for waffles for dinner.
So eventually I got all the food put up and some cleaning done and made the kids and I strawberry banana shakes!
Tomorrow is Friday! yes I am very pleased with this, though I have to be at work earlier than usual (7:00am) opposed to my usual 8am. --behind on some work
I can't believe how far we are already in this pregnancy.
seriously...were almost done!!!???
But I will be happy the moment I am able to sleep on my stomach again!!!

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